About Us
The Biodiversidad en Paisajes Productivos Project proposes as its overall goal to incorporate the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in public policies agenda and sustainable practices, to effectively mitigate current and future threats in productive mountain landscapes.
The Biodiversidad en Paisajes Productivos Project, plans to develop national capacities to expand coverage and programmatic scope, as well as the replication potential in the adoption of production models and sustainable livelihoods, in 3 pilot areas of the Dominican Republic: Vertiente South of the Sierra de Neiba, Corridors that connect the Valle Nuevo and Montaña La Humeadora National Parks, Middle Ozama River Basin (Monte Plata province, Yamasá municipality).
In addition, the project will contribute with:
- Aichi Goals.
- The Convention on Biological Diversity – United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
- The National Development Strategy (END 2030, by its Spanish initials) and the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS, by its Spanish initials).
This project meets three strategic focal areas of GEF:
- Biodiversity.
- Soil Degradation.
- Sustainable Forest Management.

To incorporate the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services as a topic in public policies agenda and practices in order to achieve an operational framework for the sustainable management of productive mountain landscapes, production systems compatible with the conservation of threatened mountain ecosystems and corridors, and sustainable livelihood.
To serve as a reference to demonstrate the importance of ecosystem conservation practices in productive systems for economic and environmental sustainability.
- Integration.
- Equity.
- Respect.
- Commitment.
- Sustainability.
- Transparency.
- Excellence.
- Justice.
- Efficiency.
This project is conducted in The Dominican Republic by the the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource, through PNUD, with financing from the Global Environment Facility GEF. The main goal is to incorporate the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in public policies and practices, to address threats to biodiversity through integrated landscape management in order to generate the multiple environmental benefits necessary in the maintenance of the multifunctional productive landscape and rich in biodiversity.