Latest News
The Importance of Introducing the Landscape Approach Concept in the Dominican Educational Curriculum
To ensure that future generations grasp the concept of the landscape approach and promote environmental conservation work
Promotion of Thematic Tables in the Municipalities of Neyba and La Descubierta
EL NUEVO DIARIO, SANTO DOMINGO - The Biodiversity in Productive Landscapes Project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
The Sustainable Cocoa Production for Biodiversity Conservation
In the past month of August, the 3rd Dominican Chocolate Festival was held in our country, organized by CAD.
Professionals in the field of biodiversity and sustainable production share their experienceson the panel: Benefits of Sustainable Cocoa Production for Biodiversity.
Good practices in agroforestry systems such as crop diversification, shade and pruning management, agroforestry rehabilitation and renewal, genetic improvement.
Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Neyba
During an event held in the auditorium of the municipality of Neyba town hall, the members of the SDG Commission shared their experience in applying the knowledge and tools gained during the capacity-building process on SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.