Training on prevention and control of fires in the wildland-urban interface

The training on the prevention and control of fires in the wildland-forest interface began this Monday, May 15, with the provision of expertise from the Forest Fire Technical Assistance Team (FAST) in coordination with the Ministry for Ecologic Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain, managed by FAO within the framework of the BPP Project, which focuses on the effective conservation of ecosystem goods and services in threatened productive mountain landscapes.

In this training, participates a representation of the technical and managerial staff of the national fire management program and Protected Areas of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Emergency Operations Center (COE, for its Spanish initials), structural fire brigades of the municipalities of Constanza, Buena Vista (Jarabacoa), Rancho Arriba, Restauración, Dajabón and Bávaro. In addition, the Humanitarian Rescue Unit of the Ministry of Defense and other actors of wildland-urban interface fire management also participate.